  • 期刊


The source and feature of "Officials and Generals" in Exorcism of yoga in Fujian




福建 道教 密教 瑜珈 法教 官將


The purpose of the thesis is to research the conformation of "Officials and Generals" from the religion "Exorcism of yoga " , including its source and feature, which were from the manuscript since the early Qing Dynasty, by using the rituals of fieldwork records carried out in Youxi, Datian, Yongan three-county Daoism Temple in central Fujian for three years. The thesis is divided into preface, conclusions and the other three parts. For the first part, the researcher compared the similarities and the differences in "Officials and Generals", by the manuscrip and Haiqiong Bai zhenren yulu,(《海瓊白真人語錄》). Furthermore, we also discussed the transformation of Nazhu's name, which transformed into Nezhu, Jizhu, Guzuh, and how the transformation influenced the change of his occupation in central Fujian. Second, we researched the transformation of the inheritance and occupation by comparing the four "Officials and Generals" in "tianxin zhengfa" (天心正法) and "Exorcism of yoga " : commanding general(Zhujiang peng tou 主將蓬頭), deputy general(Fujiang huang tou 副將黃頭), and the other two senior general (Wumianmu da jiang 無面目大將), (Zhantan da jiang 旃檀大將).Third, we used the manuscripts which recorded the generals, (Song chuan fa da hei tians henji 神霄法大黑天神茍, Bi dayuanshuai 畢大元帥, Diqi shi taibao 地祇十太保) in different religions (tantric, Feng yue fa 酆岳法, and Liu tian hun yuan ruri fa 六天混元如意法) as an evidence to interpreted the conformation of a pantheon from Yuan Dynasty to nowadays.


普濟〔宋〕。《五燈會元》,《卍新纂大日本續藏經》,東京:國書刊行會出版,臺北:白馬精舍印經會影印,1989 年,第 80 冊。
法應集、元‧普會續集〔宋〕。《禪宗頌古聯珠通集》,《卍新纂大日本續藏經》,第 65 冊。
