  • 期刊


Criteria for Evaluating the Websites of Residency and Fellowship Programs


隨著網路的高度發展以及傳播的普及,對於即將申請專科住院醫師(residency program)或臨床研究醫師(fellowship program)訓練的醫師來說,各醫院專科網站已成為搜集資訊的重要來源之一。國外有研究指出,專科網站提供的資訊可能會影響申請者的申請意願,尤其是對於不曾親身至該專科見實習的醫師來說,往往會依據網站來形成對該訓練科別的第一印象,網站的內容也會影響各訓練計畫在他們心目中的排名。有鑑於此,方便及人性化的網站操作介面以及其提供的網頁內容尤甚重要。本文以internet standards、internship and residency、fellowship and scholarship、information dissemination等關鍵字,經由生物醫學資料庫PubMed搜尋國內外相關文獻,彙整出6大面向、24個評量各醫院專科網站的準則項目,並期許能應用於臺灣的醫學教育及專科人才招募,讓臺灣醫師在申請專科訓練之際,能有更多的資訊可供參考,對於醫療團隊而言,也能更容易挑選到適才適任的申請者。


With the widespread use of the Internet, websites of residency and fellowship training programs have become leading sources of information for prospective applicants. Previous studies have indicated that information obtained from these websites plays a significant role influencing applicants' decision-making, especially for those with zero or minimal experience in the specialties they are considering. Therefore, it is crucial for residency programs to maintain informative and comprehensive websites. We had accordingly reviewed previous studies evaluating websites of various residency or fellowship programs through the online literature database "PubMed" with the key words "Internet standards," "internship and residency," "fellowship and scholarship," and "information dissemination." Based the review results, twenty-four content criteria in the following six domains had been developed: recruitment information, department/specialty information, education and research, clinical work, incentives and frequently asked questions and answers for evaluating website content comprehensiveness. It is our hope that the results of the study may outline useful and focused directions for directors and administrators of residency and fellowship training programs to refine website development and maintenance for better attracting top candidates.


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