  • 期刊


From Alveolar of "HAN^4 VIET^4 WORD" to Find the Barrier of Vietnamese Learners of Chinese



越南話裹有「漢越音」,正是漢越詞的越南話文言讀音,也就是越南直屬中國時,越南文人模仿中國京城的文讀音而留下來的,不但保留了古語詞彙,也保留了許多古音。這部分的詞彙和語音,可以作為研究詞彙移借的語料,也可以作為華越語音的對照。 本文試圖以授課一學期來遇到的「漢越詞」的「漢越音」為對象,並請越籍學生朗讀作成電子錄音檔,作為一份教學實務的記錄,即越南人學說華語時,最明顯的聲母障礙,並從越語和華語的聲母系統作對比,找出兩種語音關係的規律,期能對越籍人士的華語習得有所助益。


漢越詞 漢越音 越語 華語 舌尖音


There is a term 「HAN^4 VIET^4 SOUND」 in Vietnamese, it is directly translated pronunciation from 「HAN^4 VIET^4 WORD」, the literary language used in the old time. It is also when Vietnam belonged to Chinese in the old time, the Vietnamese scholar retained the old pronunciation of Chinese official language. It is not only retained vocabulary but also retained old pronunciation. The vocabulary and pronunciation may be the best example material for studing of Borrowed Word, and for comparing of Hua Yueh language. This paper trys to research the 「HAN^4 VIET^4 SOUND」 of 「HAN^4 VIET^4 WORD」, which author has experienced in these two semesters when teaching Chinese to Vietnamese students. There is a sound recording by Vietnamese learners of Chinese, and we can research the contrastive analysis of the sound systems between Vietnamese and Chinese, and look for the rule between the two languages. I Hope this research will be helpful to Vietnamese to learn Chinese.
