  • 期刊


Discussion of SBL Super Basketball League Violent Conflict Incident


「籃球運動」是一種肢體接觸最頻繁的運動,且現今籃球運動發展已朝向「高素質」、「高速度」、「高競爭性」的強力籃球,所以球員在場上發生身體衝撞推擠,或是火爆鬥毆事件屢見不鮮。而可稱為國內籃球運動最高殿堂SBL超級籃球聯賽,於98年2月8日爆發台灣大雲豹與台灣啤酒的暴力衝突事件,顯見國內籃球運動之教練的水準、裁判的專業能力、球員的素質、球隊的管理及賽會安排管理等方面有許多檢討與改進之處。 籃球場上發生以身體推擠爭球是比賽的一部份,但如蓄意使用暴力而造成衝突事件,是不被允許的,實有違背政府提倡全民運動之本意,也使社會大眾對運動員產生負面之印象,期望相關單位能藉由(一)強化裁判的公正性與職責(二)加強裁判的專業知識與判決能力(三)定期舉辦裁判研習課程(四)制定裁判考核制度(五)提昇教練的素質與水準(六)嚴懲縱容運動員攻擊行為之教練(七)提昇球員心理素質及EQ管理(八)嚴懲惡性粗暴行為的球員(九)回饋社會參與公益活動等方面進行檢討與改進,提昇運動員之良好形象,以符合社會之期待,並促進SBL及籃球運動能永續經營與蓬勃發展。


'Basketball sports' is limbs collision the most frequent sport, and basketball sports are developed to the trend to 'high-quality', 'fast', 'high competitiveness' now, so the player happens limbs collision on the field, or fighting incident is ordinary. SBL super basketball league occurrence conflict incident of the Taiwanmobile vs. Taiwan beer in matches, The obvious domestic cage game like training's standard, referee's specialized ability, player's quality, team's management and the competition arrange aspects and so on management to have many self-criticisms and the improvement place. In the basketball court occurs by the body pushes fights for the ball is a competition's part, but like uses the violence to create the conflict event deliberately, is not permitted, really has violates the government to advocate original intention of all the people movement, also causes the social populace to have the negative impression to the athlete, expected that the related specific energy because of (1) strengthens referee's fairness and the responsibility (2) strengthens referee's specialized knowledge and decision ability (3) conducts the referee to study thoroughly the curriculum regularly (4) to formulate the referee system of examining and assessment (5) to promote coach's quality and the standard (6) punishes tolerates training of the athlete aggressive behavior (7) to promote the player psychological quality and the EQ management (8) punishes the illegal attack the player (9) aspects and so on back coupling social participation public welfare activity to carry on the self-criticism and the improvement, promotes the athlete the positive image, conforms to anticipation of the social, and promotes SBL and the cage game can continue forever to manage and the vigorous development.


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