  • 期刊


Museum Podcast: An Immersive "Listening" Experience Connecting Audiences


網路科技的飛速進展促使資訊的傳播媒介不斷進化。近年Podcast的聽眾人數逐年攀升,加上國內外Podcast平台湧現許多不同主題的新節目,市場增長幅度超越其他影音串流平台。因此,博物館紛紛開發Podcast節目,向聽眾闡述館藏資源和展覽主題,從而與聽眾建立關係和推廣核心價值。本研究統整分析國內外Podcast發展趨勢,並探討其傳播、推廣及應用效益。過往研究主要從結構層面,如主題、長度、風格、目的和系列性等為主,本文則利用近年國內外博物館的Podcast節目,歸納出博物館常用的Podcast節目形式及內容設計要素。此外,本研究亦透過作者群自身收聽2020 AAM(American Alliance of Museum)MUSE Awards得獎的三個Podcast節目的聆聽經驗,討論各節目的內容特色並與其他節目相互對照,從而探討博物館Podcast節目的共同形態。總括而言,博物館Podcast可利用以下四種方式連結聽眾:(1)用聲音敘事鋪陳情節、(2)用聲音創造情感連結、(3)用聲音營造情境氛圍:創造沉浸式臨場感,以及(4)用聲音搭建互動的橋樑。未來博物館Podcast的開發製作若能融入以上要素,必能與聽眾建立更緊密的連結。


Rapid technological development advances the evolution of digital media. With the increasing number of listeners and the wide diversity of program genres, the podcast has become one of the most popular digital media platforms, domestically and internationally. Today, museums have started developing podcast programs to introduce their collections and exhibitions to build relationships with visitors and promote their core value. This study analyzes the domestic and international development of podcasts and explores their dissemination, promotion, and application benefits brought to museums. Previous studies focus on analyzing podcast's structural aspects, such as theme, length, style, purpose, and series. This paper uses podcasts from domestic and international museums to summarize commonly used program formats and design elements. By reviewing three winning museum podcasts from the 2020 AAM MUSE Awards (American Alliance of Museums), we discuss the characteristics of each program content, which allow us to explore elements commonly used in museum podcast programs. In conclusion, museum podcasts can use the following ways to connect with their listeners: (1) use sound narrative to lay out the plot, (2) use sound to create an emotional connection, (3) use sound to create a contextual atmosphere: create an immersive experience, and (4) use sound to build a bridge for interaction. If the future development of museum podcast can incorporate the above elements, it will certainly establish a closer connection with visitors.


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