  • 期刊


Youth, Revolution and History: He Jin's Novel and Singapore Leftist Chinese Literary




Since 2000, a large number of Singapore-Malaysia leftist books and materials have been published, with especially biographies, memoirs and literature creative writings counting for an important position. Nevertheless, documentary and fiction creative forms , both are intended to re-construct communist narrative discourse .The history of communist which is always hidden in National or mainstream history , recently finds her way to speak out, seeking for her own justice. History and literary production of communist will bring forward for rediscovering of left-wing thought. But how could it ferment, is still unknown. This article tries to discuss He Jin's Novels. As a communist writer, he tried to explore the youth romance revolutionary idea and build up a narrative related to youth, revolution and love, especially in colonialism historical context. Besides, the article also tries to find out the uniqueness of Singapore leftist Chinese literary characteristics.


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