  • 期刊


Status Quo of APEC Initiative: The "Development of Securitization and Credit Guarantee Markets"




Enhancing development of securitization is the policy goal of our government. At the same time, the APEC initiative: ”Development of Securitization and Credit Guarantee Markets” is the priority of APEC Finance Ministers Process. Therefore, it is worthwhile to update the status quo of the APEC initiative: Development of Securitization and Credit Guarantee Markets. The remainder of this paper is organized in the following manner. Section 2 gives the background information of ”Securitization” and ”Credit Enhancement”. Section 3 describes the context of APEC Initiative: ”Development of Securitization and Credit Guarantee Markets”. The linkage between this initiative and APEC initiative: ”Development of Asian Bond Market” is mentioned in Section 4. Section 5 includes the prospect of our domestic securitization market. It is argued that our government should seize this moment, when domestic policy goal collides with international policy trend, and take the advantage of international resources so as to speed up the development of domestic securitization market, leveled up toward the international standard.


APEC securitization credit guarantee markets
