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An Analysis to the Voting Orientation of Veteranmainlanders at Makung Township in Penghu


近年來在民主化的過程中,不但形成了競爭型的政黨體系,也産生某種程度政黨重組的現象;使得過去幾年有關選民的政黨認同與族群政治,國內重要的研究議題。然而,現有關於台灣選民政黨認同或是族群政治的研究,大都偏向以全國性的調查資料作爲分析的基礎;卻似乎缺乏針對單一特定地方或特定族群,在不同層級 選舉的現象作較深入的探討;而有關澎湖地區的選舉研究也一響被忽視。因此,本文的研究目的,即是分析澎湖馬公地區外省藉榮民,在不同層級選舉中的投票取向,並探討族群政治在澎湖地區所具有政府意涵。研究調查結果發現:外省籍榮民在不同層級選舉中,對各個候選人的投票支持取向,均具有顯著的差異。他們在中央級選舉時,可以說是依制度價值選擇的族群認同所産生對「泛藍」政黨支持的傾向;至於在地方縣議員選舉中,則存在著以族群認同作爲利益工具的效用所形成的投票取向,盡管他們不再局限於以省籍來作爲投票的重要依據,但是不管在中央級選舉還是在地方縣議員選舉,他們幾乎無法認同「泛絲」政黨的候選人而加以投票支持。這種現象似乎顯示:外省籍榮民族群在澎湖馬公地方社會的融合仍難以沙弭政治的分歧。


In recent years, the process of democratization in Taiwan not only caused competition among political parties; it also introduced some type of party realignment. This phenomenon has promoted the study of party identification, and ethnic politics have become important research issues. Political parties have also formed a competitive system and have reorganized to some degree in Taiwan. However, instead of focusing on the analysis of a specific voting area or a specific ethnic group at various levels of election, most current research reports usually pay much attention to the analysis of nation wide polling survey so that the election research in Penghu area has been ignored for a long time. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze the voting orientation of the veteran-mainlanders at Makung, Penghu, and also to study the theoretical implication of discussing ethnic politics in Penghu. The findings from the research are as following: The veteran-mainlanders’ voting orientation was differed from other groups to every certain candidate at different levels of election. At the national level, the veteran-mainlanders’ voting was inclined to support “the Blue” party which had created an ethnic identification for its institutional value. However, at the local level, the veteran-mainlanders would take the ethnic identification as a beneficial instrument for their voting orientation. Even though the provincial issue was less of an important factor in their voting considerations this time compared to previous elections, the veteran-mainlanders would hardly identify with and vote for the “Green” party candidates. This phenomenon obviously showed that political differences had hardly diminished for the veteran-mainlanders in an assimilated local community like Makung, Penghu.


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陳譽文(2011)。選民與政治人物連結類型與其變遷 —以2004年及2008年總統選舉與立委選舉為例—〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.02513
