  • 期刊

以Microsoft Access建立化妝品成份資料庫查詢系統

The Study of Cosmetic Ingredients Database Using Microsoft Access


在化妝品美容相關應用領域上,大量且繁雜的化妝品成份的搜尋及學習,一直是相關人員深以為苦的事,因此建立化妝品原料資料庫正可解決此困擾。本研究的目的為使用微軟Access軟體製作出化妝品成分資料庫查詢系統。Access內建查詢物件QBE(Query By Example,圖形化範例查詢),經由其AND;OR的關係查詢表設計可將原始資料表中的大量資料經由一層層的篩選查到所要的結果並呈勢他精心設計的表單上,可使一般使用者快速取得正確的化妝品資訊並做進一步的運用。首先、我們在Microsoft Excel軟體中將收集到的化妝品原料資料建立資料表,而後將此資料表匯入Microsoft Access中,經過反覆的資料庫修正及資料的輸入與校對,歷時8個月完成整個資料庫系統。本資料庫系統目前共建立三千三百三十筆成分資料內容,字數約有三十萬字,一千兩百張圖片或化學結構式,檔案約一百一十MB。本資料庫在使用上只要輸入中、英文關鍵字,或者是利用分類檢索,就可讓使用者快速及正確的找到所的資料,相信此資料庫不管是對於初入門者、進階使用者或是教學者都是一個不錯的選擇。


One of the most laborious tasks that cosmeticians lace in their work or research, is the management of data for cosmetic ingredients, which involves collective and screening excessive amount of information. To alleviate such a burden, the establishment of the database for cosmetic ingredients is important. The aim of this study is to establish a cosmetic ingredients database inquiry system using the Microsoft Access software. The Query By Example (QBE) in Access an screen mass data and perform the results in a designed table by using AND, OR orders step by step. The structure of the database was first constructed before various data of cosmetics ingredients are introduced. The database was completed in eight months, after a number of modifications on the database structure and input items In present, this database consists of 3,330 law materials, including 300,000 words an 1200 pictures or chemical structures. The user of the database can find the correct information of cosmetic ingredients using the suitable retrieval method: key in Chinese or English keywords, or searching through classifications. It is believe that this cosmetic ingredients database is a good choice for cosmeticians and researchers.


computer database Query By Example QBE cosmetic ingredients

