  • 期刊


New Product Development Strategy of IC Design House in Taiwan


新產品開發已成為企業提昇競爭力、獲取利潤的一大主要途徑,尤其是高科技產業。台灣IC設計業的產值僅次美國,為全球第二,但技術資源和產品創意較美國缺乏,可謂屬於產業較後進國。探討影響台灣IC設計業之產品開發策略的因素,藉由產業次級資料,針對影響不同廠商之產品開發策略因素做比較及整合,提供產業後進國做產品開發策略的研究,補足大多數文獻只針對產業先進國做探討的不足。 本研究以個案研究的方式,以文獻探討所得到的構面,利用次級資料的分析,針對上市、上櫃,共25家的IC設計公司,來說明我國IC設計業的產品開發策略類型與其策略類型與公司財務績效的關係。研究發現技術複雜度是決定獲利的最重要因素,在選擇產品開發項目時,產品關聯性亦是一個重要的考量。針對產業後進國無晶圓廠之台灣IC設計公司而言,若能夠開發較高技術複雜度之產品、在技術上較專注、及開發較高關聯性的產品,則其該公司的獲利機會較多。


New product development has been the major way for enterprises to gain competitive advantage and profit, especially for high tech companies. The output value of Taiwanese IC design houses has ranked second only to the USA for many years. While, technological resources and product ideas in Taiwan are less than in America. We could call Taiwan as latecomer country in IC industry. Therefore, this study would like to explore the factors that influence new product development strategies of Taiwanese IC design houses. By secondary data of industries, we compare and integrate the factors of influencing new product development within different companies in order to provide some suggestions and references to new product development strategies in high technology industries of latecomer countries to make up a deficiency of previous literatures only focusing on advanced countries. This study use case study and secondary data of 25 IC design houses with dimensions from literature review to illustrate the types of new product development strategies in Taiwanese IC design houses and the relations between strategies and company profits. We found technological complexity is the most important factor to gain profit. When selecting product items, product relatedness is also a very important concern. For Taiwanese IC design houses without chip manufacturing, if they could develop high technological complexity product, concentrating on technology, and develop high relatedness product, they would have more opportunity to gain profit.


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