  • 期刊


The Investigation on Going Viral Factors and Customers' Purchase Intention of Independent Bubble Tea Shops in Kaohsiung Area




Bubble tea shops have been very popular in Taiwan, and it is almost everywhere on the streets. Those big chain tea shops are well expanded with the advantages of its branding. However, some small independent tea shops can become viral because of some incidents or due to internet promotion which catches consumers' attention and discussions. The purpose of this study is to investigate how independent tea shops in Kaohsiung area can become viral from the analyses of going viral factors and purchase intention of customers. Three viral bubble tea shops, named "Good Day Good Time," "Tea Industry" and "10 DRAW" were selected as the objects of this empirical study. By integrating qualitative and qualitative data analyses, the results show that the main factors leading to going viral of these bubble tea shops can be summarized into six aspects: image, environment, product, service, price and popularity. Among them, popularity has the greatest impact on purchase intention, and then services, products, prices and environment in order. The effect of image is not significant. It can be seen that in the era of cell phone dominated consumer behavior, the traditional 4P marketing strategies has been unable to meet the needs of consumers. As a result, to become unique in the competitive market, retailers must generate some innovative marketing strategies to attract online followers' attention and curiosity. Through the promotion on the Internet media, attention and discussions can be attracted by public and then go viral. Eventually, customers' intention to purchase will be increased.


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