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Long-term Trend of Hearing Loss Disability Prevalence: Gender and Geographic Disparities


在我國,聽覺機能障礙者為身心障礙者中之第二大族群,雖然相較於其他類別之身心障礙者,聽覺障礙似乎較不影響其生活,但其實對於聽覺機能障礙者來說,除了身體上的不便之外,甚至可能造成其性格,認知功能,心理等等皆可能會有影響。因此了解我國聽覺機能障礙者族群之人口學特性等數據為提供政府作為施政方針的首要基礎。目的:希望能藉由整理衛生福利部2000 年至2014 年身心障礙者資料庫,從中了解有關聽覺機能障礙者歷年性別中各障礙等級所占比例及其盛行率長期趨勢變化,最後在了解台灣各地區之聽覺機能障礙者之盛行率之長期變化。方法:以Microsoft Office Excel 2013 整理我國2000 年至2014 年衛生福利部統計處身心障礙者人口資料庫,先計算人口學變項之盛行率,主要變項有4項,分別依照性別、障礙等級、地區以及年代統計數據。性別分別為男、女;障礙等級分別為重度、中度、輕度;地區分為北區、中區、南區、東區及離島5 區;以及年代,為2000 至2014 年各年代做為劃分。再利用SPSS 22.0 版統計軟體進行統計分析,以研究對象之次數、百分比、平均數等作描述性分析,最後以Linear趨勢分析2000 年至2014 年各變項與地理分布之趨勢變化,以及聽覺機能障礙者人口在身心障礙者族群之比例變化。結果:在聽覺機能障礙者總盛行率以及性別盛行率部分,皆呈現顯著上升;在聽覺機能障礙者之性別百分比部分,雖男性之盛行率顯著大於女性,但男性呈現顯著下降,而女性則呈現顯著上升。在男性及女性聽覺機能障礙者之障礙等級各等級之比例部分,男性及女性之重度及中度聽覺機能障礙者之比例皆呈現顯著下降,而輕度則呈現顯著上升。在聽覺機能障礙者之各地區之盛行率部分,北、中、南、東部及離島皆呈現顯著上升,其中又以北部佔大多數。希望藉由本研究,能做為日後制定政策的方針,能更有效的保障聽覺機能障礙者之權利。


In Taiwan, among all kinds of the disabled population, the prevalence of the hearing-impaired population is the second. Although it seemed that they almost have no difficulty in daily life, in fact, the hearing loss may make them have a disabled life, evenly an influence on personality, cognitive function, and mental health and so on. Understanding the hearing-impaired population's variables in Taiwan is the basic of policy making. The purpose of the study is to understand and analyze the prevalence of the hearing-impaired population's variable of the gender, grade, and geography in long-term trend in Taiwan by. The method of the study is using Microsoft Office Excel 2013 to collate the disabled population's data which are from 2000 years to 2014 years in the website of Ministry of Health and Welfare. Calculating the prevalence of the hearing-impaired population's variable in Taiwan, including age, gender, grade, and area. The gender is including male and female. The grade is including extreme, moderate, and mild. The area is including east area, west area, north area, south area, and other area. The age is including from 2000 to 2014. Then using SPSS 22.0 version to analyze data. Results showed that the prevalence of male and female are both increased significantly, and all the hearing loss are also increased significantly. In the hearing loss's percentage of gender, male is decreased significantly, and female is increased significantly. In the hearing loss, the percentage of the respectively grade in male and female, both genders are decreased significantly in the grade of extreme and moderate and increased significantly. The prevalence of the hearing loss in the east area, west area, north area, south area, and other area are all increased significantly, and the north area is the most. Hope that the study could be the basic of policy making, and more effectively promote the benefit of the hearing loss.


行政院衛生福利部(2012)。新制身心障礙類別、鑑定向度、程度分級與基準。取自: http://mohwlaw.mohw.gov.tw/Chi/FLAW/FLAWDOC01.asp?lsid=FL013533&lno=5。
衛生福利部統計處(2014)。社會福利統計月報。取自: http://www.mohw.gov.tw/cht/DOS/Statistic.aspx?f_list_no=312&fod_list_no=4198。
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