  • 期刊


Chung Yuan Model of Business Ethics Curriculum: An Exploratory Project of Curriculum Development, Process Assessment and Effect Evaluation


傳統「企業倫理」課程的特色為:協同教學、創意教學、個案分析以及體驗學習,由此產生的困境則是:(1)多元觀點、統整不易,(2)依賴教師個人創意,教材教法傳承不易,(3)個案詮釋角度因人而異,學生不易建立系統性觀點,(4)無法評估教學效果。針對傳統課程的困境,研究者以道德哲學、心理學研究為基礎,發展出新課程的教材教法以及評量工具,並在中原大學進行實驗教學。中原模式的企業倫理課程是以一般倫理切入,以專業倫理導出;以邏輯思考、道德信念,與行為結果為基本的倫理思考分析架構,課程目標明確,內容區分為基本道德思考與專業應用兩大部分。教學中以即時反應鍵紀錄學生之反應,作為學習歷程的評估與分析之依據。關於課程以及教學效果的總結性評量,我們參考Kirkpatrick 的評估模式,從(1)反應(Reaction):以教學評量結果作為指標;(2)學習(Learning):以問題界定測驗(Defining Issues Test,DIT)結果作為指標;(3)行為(Behavior):以偏差行為頻率或社會反應作為指標;(4)成果(Results):以課程普及率與種子教師人數作為指標,等四個層面進行評估。教學評量結果顯示,學生反應十分正向;歷程資料顯示,學生的邏輯思考能力與道德思考有關。至於教學效果,DIT前後測的分析結果顯示,教學效果主要顯現在低階道德思考的減少。此課程結合全校教學資源,已儲備30位種子教師,從100學年度起,中原大學將有七個學院、每學期開設10個班級的專業倫理課程,並將逐步跨大規模。不過,如何以DIT作為更清晰而有效的倫理課程之教學效果評估工具,則尚待進一步的分析與研究。


The features of traditional Business Ethics curriculum are collaborative teaching, originally-prepared stuff, case studies, and experience-based teaching. Difficulties derived from these features are: (1) Difficulty of integrating multiple view points from diverse teachers. (2) Difficulty of the establishment of general curriculum syllabus. (3) Difficulty of the achievement of systematic framework. (4) Difficulty of the evaluation of curriculum effect. A new Business Ethics Curriculum in Chung Yuan University based on moral philosophy and psychological research which bears the ambition to overcome the difficulties mentioned above was developed. In one way, a core framework comprised of logical thinking, moral principle and behavior outcome was designed to offer the basis of analytical structure. And in another way, a multiple-dimension curriculum evaluation process after Kirkpatrick model was conducted. In all, the reaction of students was excellent, the teaching effect was significant and the implementation of this curriculum was increasing in Chung Yuan University from two courses one semester in 2009 to 10 courses in 2011. The utilization of DIT as summative evaluation method was also discussed.


楊濬寧(2014)。探索專業倫理教師首次教學的挑戰與省思 -以中原大學為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201400092
