  • 期刊


A Study on Rice Farmers' Opinions on Organic Rice in Houbi Township of Tainan County




The objectives of this study were to analyze opinions of rice farmers on the cultivation technologies, costs, certification procedures and sale of organic rice, including the problems encountered in the cultivation process, and the reasons for their unwillingness to grow organic rice. Focusing on the rice farmers in Houbi Township, Tainan County, the study was conducted through a survey questionnaire. The results showed that most of the rice farmers have had more than 26 years farming experience, with the majority knew about ”organic rice”. There were only half of the rice farmers holding the view that it was important to plant organic rice, but less than 30% were willing to do so. Most farmers who were already engaged in the plantation of organic rice felt that the cost was excessively high. Those unwilling to do so, on the other hand, believed that the main reasons were the difficulties on cultivation technologies, as well as the increased effort, manpower and time required in the cultivation process. Rice farmers with a longer experience in farming were less inclined to plant organic rice. Rice farmers who believed that organic fertilizers produced better effects than chemical fertilizers in improving the soil fertility usually had a better understanding of the cultivation of organic rice. It was also found that farmers who considered the growing of organic rice more costly than the cultivation of traditional rice were less prepared to plant organic rice; so were farmers who felt organic rice less profitable than traditional rice. Further, farmers who had no idea about the fees needed for the certification of organic rice were normally less willing to plant organic rice. Finally, in considering the unsatisfactory results in promoting organic rice in Houbi Township, Tainan County, the following suggestions are made for policy-making: (1) The government should implement ongoing and stable policies to encourage the plantation of organic rice; in the meantime increase the subsidies to the procurement of relevant organic material and the certification fees for organic rice. (2) The government may encourage large enterprises to sponsor organic rice farms, so as to reduce the relevant cost for planting organic rice. (3) The local government and Farmers' Associations should arrange relevant training or provide technical advice for farmers, in facilitating the production and distribution of organic rice in Houbi Township. (4) The competent authority should coordinate with the local government in order to integrate the relevant resources and expand the plantation area of organic rice. The purpose is to create a good environment for the cultivation of organic rice and avoid pollution caused by the use of pesticides or crop pests from neighboring farms. (5) The government should establish integrated regulations to manage organic products, thereby protecting the rights and interests of the organic rice farmers and contributing to the development of the organic rice products.


