  • 期刊


A Study of Transmissible Integrated Teaching Using Group Creativity-for Singlechip Projects Teaching



一般國內工程教育,以專業科目教學而言,常常是由一專業科目教師同時教授數個不同班級之相同課程,就教學進度而言,每個被教授的班級擁有相同進度,甚至,根據研究調查指出,有一部份教師無法在預定時間內教授完預定的教材內容;同時,根據擁有多年教授單晶片課程經驗的老師指出,在教授多年的單晶片課程,每年學生所呈現的作品,不外乎是單調、缺乏創意的作品,無法藉由教師長期的教學經驗累積,來提昇學生的專題製作水準。 為了整合傳統的單晶月教學及達到教學成果傳遞的功能,本研究提出以單晶片專題製作教學為例,運用團隊合作之傳遞式整合教學法。本教學法以完成單一作品(無人自走車)為目標,整合「合作學習」及「創意發展」理論,使學生從成品的設計及製作過程中,培養解決問題的能力,並完成一較高技術之專題製作成品。


For professional teaching in engineering education in Taiwan, one teacher usually teaches the same course in different classes at the same time. Every class has the same teaching progress. According to researches and experienced teachers, some professional teachers could not finish the predictive progress and projects that students made were mono and uncreative. Teaching for a long time did not promote the projects qualities. To integrate traditional singlechip teaching and make teaching achievement be transmissible, this study developed an integrated teaching using group creativity for singlechip projects teaching. This teaching was to finish an independent project (autocar) for the purpose and integrate cooperative learning and creative development theories to make students cultivating the abilities of solving problems and fulfilling a high technological projects.
