  • 期刊


Sanctification of the Corpse, Transcendence of the Death: The Religious and Cultural Phenomena of Tzuchi's Body Donation




遺體捐贈 菩薩道 實踐摹仿 聖化 生死學


This paper examines how the Buddhist Tzuchi organization's promotion of body donation for medical use is able to challenge the Chinese tradition of ”keeping the cadaver intact.” Researching on Master Chengyen and Tzuchi volunteers' appeals, case stories, and memorial rituals for body donors, the study finds that apart from economical and convenient reasons, donors and their relatives accept the damage to the corpses as a result of the ”sanctification” of the donors by Tzuchi's rituals and narratives. The corpses are transformed into three symbols, namely, the body of ecology, the body of morality, and the body of bodhisattva, each connoting to ”recycling of resources”, ”fulfillment of moral personality”, and ”practice of the Bodhisattva's way”. These meanings represent the elevation of physical existence to spiritual existence and the crossing of life and death from limitation to infinity. They become persuasive in preparing not only for the funeral, but also for the death. Their appearance in Tzuchi's socio-religious field is very much motivated by cultural habitus, for example, the value of ”moral personality” and the hope for good incarnation in next life for the Chinese. Religious belief is not necessary a factor for body donation. The helping aura in Tzuchi community and personal networks often brings about ”mimesis of practices”. The echoing of individuals and the group to the meanings of donation makes death not formidable. The body donation establishes a norm of ”biding farewell to life,” different from the tradition, for modern Chinese.


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