  • 期刊


The Heart of Buddha and the Heart of Children-The Buddhism frame of mind in the works of Japanese children's ballad poet, Misuzu Kaneko


日本大正時期的童謠女詩人金子美鈴(金子みすず,1904~1930),本名金子瑛(金子テル),明治三十六年(1904)出生於山口縣仙崎。金子美鈴二十歲時開始創作童謠,以處女作「魚」出發,至二十六歲自殺為止,共創作童謠詩512 首。金子美鈴生長的仙崎,是介於瀨戶內海與太平洋間的漁港,不但是日本少數捕鯨的地方,城鎮中的寺院密度在日本也是相當有名。寺院除了為居民舉辦祈求出航平安、漁獲豐收的法會外,也定期為捕獲的魚群舉辦法會。在這樣的環境下成長的金子美鈴,所創作的童謠詩,就如日本淨土真宗的上山大峻所說,蘊含著佛心,有一種超越溫柔的特質。因此,本論文擬以金子美鈴的童謠詩為研究主題,探討其作品中的佛法意境。


金子美鈴 童謠詩 佛法


Misuzu Kaneko, who’s given name was Teru Kaneko is a Japanese poet of the Taisyo period. She was born in Senzaki, one small country in Yamaguchi, in 1904. Kaneko started to write poems at the age of twentywith her first piece of work ”Sakana” (meaning ”Fish”). She left behind five hundreds and twelve poems before she committed suicide at the age oftwenty-six. Senzaki, where Kaneko grew up, is a fish harbor located between the inner sea of Sedo and the Pacific Ocean. It is not only famous because of being the few locations in Japan for whaling, but also because of the high density of temples in its area. Temples hold ceremonies for residents’ safety during sailing and an abundant harvest. In addition, they also hold ceremonies for captured fish. Influenced by such an environment, Kaneko’s poems can match with the ”heart of Buddha”.


《景德傳燈錄》,T51.441b。(T 代表《大正藏》,51 表第51 冊,下同)
