  • 期刊


Viral Marketing, Consumer Experience and Happiness-An Example of Popular Desserts Purchase




This study explored the influence of viral marketing such as internet and word-of-mouth on the consumers' consumption of popular desserts and experience, and found the correlation between the personality trait of happiness and experience and feeling for the products in order to the effect of popular desserts in Taichung area and the rise and fall. Since the past studies seldom discussed the happiness on desserts experience, this study was conducted in three stages: (1) Focus group: this study first invites 6 consumers who have purchased popular desserts for focus group to find the information source, purchase experience and feelings of the consumers, subsequently, it extracted the important views from focus group for questionnaire design; (2) Questionnaire analysis: this study distributed 360 questionnaires in the business areas and near popular sweet shops in Taichung, and found the consumers' desserts experience and feelings through statistical analysis tools; (3) Case interview: in order to further find the operational difference between popular desserts shops and traditional shops, this study interviews two traditional pastry shops in Taichung, Lin Chin-Sheng Pastry Shop and Lin Yi Hsiang Chai, and probed into the diverse marketing strategies, value of quality and materials for continue the positive word-of-mouth. Finally, the research findings included: 1) viral marketing has positive and significant influence on consumer experience; 2) consumer experience shows positive and significant influence on the experience of happiness; 3) viral marketing has positive and significant influence on the experience of happiness; 4) personality trait of happiness has positive and significant influence on the experience of happiness. It is suggested that companies can increase the interaction with the consumers to reinforce their experiences and feelings.


王志剛、謝文雀譯、James F. Engel著、Roger D. Blackwell著、Paul W.Miniard著(1995)。消費者行爲。台北:華泰。
施建彬、陸洛譯、Michael Argyle著(1997)。幸福心理學。台北:巨流出版社。


