  • 期刊


Reflection of Education from Technological Viewpoint of Heidegger


啓蒙時代初期,理性作爲人類除魅之所依據,發展至今的結果,理性卻淪爲技術理性,成爲人類的鐵籠,教育的情境自不例外。海德格在<關於技術的提問>一文中,對於現代技術的本質一指構(Gestell, Enframing),有著徹底地批判與反省,他認爲指構已經成爲人類的命運。在古希臘時代,藝術、詩與技術的本源都來自技藝(technē),它們同屬於產生(poiēsis),如今指構不僅遮蔽了其它的開顯,並且威脅著其它開顯的生成,成爲極度的危險。今日台灣幾乎所有的教育方式都已被技術化與一元化,例如在知識經濟的時代中,人們與學生已經淪爲僅僅是人力資源而已。因此對我們而言,重視多元性的發展成爲很重要的事情。


技術 指構 指令物 產生 技藝


In the early stage of Enlightment, the development of ”reason” was the certification of disenchantment. Now it has become the iron cage of human beings, for ”reason or rationality” has come into ”technological rationality”. Educational context is no exceptional. In ”The question concerning technology” by Heidegger, he radically criticized and reflected the essence of modern technology, Ge-stell (enframing), has become the destiny of all human beings. In ancient Greece, art, poetry and technology all came from ”technē”, which belonged to ”poiēsis”. Today Ge-stell (enframing), which had not only concealed other revealings but threatened their genesis of other revealings, became the extreme danger. In Taiwan, almost all the modes of education have become technologized and monopolized. For example, the human beings and students had only become the human resources in the age of knowledge of economics. So, it is important for us to emphasize the development of multiplicity.


Technology Enframing Standing-reserve Bringing-forth Technē
