  • 期刊


An Analysis of Morning Users' Attitudes on Their Loyalty at Open Spaces of National Museum of Natural Science


使用者忠誠度乃源自消費者行爲之文獻,吾人將品牌忠誠度的觀念,應用到戶外休閒遊憩空間設計,研究假設忠誠度所包含的不只是使用意願的頻率,還包括:停留時間、偏好、口碑等。換言之,唯有靠使用者忠誠度的支持,才能維持戶外空間景觀的整潔、設施的保存與歷久彌新,俾利以最少的維修費用進行管理。因此,本研究之目的旨在透過忠誠度的度量,檢驗影響使用者忠誠度之因素,以提供公共空間之戶外景觀之定位與經營管理。研究方法採用SPSS 15.0版所附之主成分分析方法,分析影響使用者忠誠度之因素。從科博館晨間運動者樣本空間中,依據抽樣計畫以等距抽樣取得385份之有效樣本,並檢定不同型態之變數。研究結果顯示,忠誠度較高者具備下列因素的特色:依序爲時空距離因素、場所依戀因素、義務奉獻因素。對科博館印象來說,高忠誠度使用者優於低忠誠使用者,尤其是綠地、清新的空氣;就使用態度而言,忠誠度高的遊客最同意「運動可以舒暢身心增進健康」及「喜歡較自然的戶外空間景觀」且數據顯示戶外空間景觀不宜導入過多的人爲設施。


The study of users' loyalty was originated from the literatures of consumer-behavior studies on brand loyalty. This concept was applied from user market concept toward landscape designer's and participants' approach. The aim of the study is to provide future management approaches for decision makers through the measurement of loyalty and identification of influential factors on the users. A statistical approach, Principle Component Analysis (PCA), is applied to classify as four attitudes as high, potential, pseudo, and low classes. A survey of 385 valid questionnaires was recorded and collected by the courtyard of the National Museum of Natural Science. The results show that the higher loyalty factors have the following characteristics: factors of spatio-temporal distance, place attachment, and obligated dedication. There are some indicators of green spaces, fresh air etc. better than that of loyalty from high to low, respectively. According to the impression of the museum, the tourists of higher loyalty agree that ”physical activities release tense for better health” and ”natural scenic views should be preferred”. In addition, open spaces are not allowed to introduce more anthropogenic facilities.


