  • 期刊


Environmental and Biological Restrictions to the Stepping Tasks


本研究依據知覺行動理論(perception-action theory),以檢視環境(登階高度)和生物(視覺參與)限制對體適能登階動作之影響。六位健康且無外顯疾病的大學生(4女2男)參與本研究,其平均年齡為21.2歲(SD=0.74),平均身高為169.3公分(SD=6.35),平均體重為59公斤(SD=12.96)。實驗動作為在一個標準的登階板上施作重覆性的體適能登階動作,登階高度分別為高登階30公分和低登階10公分,登階頻率為每分鐘登階90次。研究的自變項為登階高度和有無視覺之參與,依變項則為透過動作分析系統(Motion Analysis System with 8 Falcon Analog Cameras)所蒐集之重要關節點的三維運動學資料。研究結果發現,第一,高登階動作可導致頭部和軀幹的左右擺動增加;第二,無視覺參與會使得手肘和手腕的前後擺動加大;第三,無論視覺之有無,手肘和手腕會呈現不對稱的前後擺動幅度。實驗結果說明,上肢擺動的不對稱性應可用來換取下肢擺動的對稱性和維持其平衡感。此外,自相關函數(autocorrelation function, ACF)分析的結果發現,視覺訊號對體適能登階動作之全身性協調與控制而言,是非常重要的影響因子。


The study, based on the perception-action theory, examined the environmental (height), biological/organism (vision), and task constraints to the movement variability of repetitive stepping. Six healthy college-aged participants (mean age=21.2 years, SD=±0.74; mean height=169.3 cm, SD=±6.35; mean weight=59 kg, SD=±12.96) were asked to follow a 30-seconds auditory signal (90 steps/min) stepping on-and-off adjustable platform (F1010W Original Club Step) with 2 different heights, i.e. 30 cm and 10 cm for high and low stepping conditions, respectively. The effect of visual feedback (eyes open and closed) was also tested in both high and low stepping conditions. Three-dimensional dynamic controls of the head, trunk, shoulder, elbow, wrist, ilium, knee, and ankle joints were measured kinematically via a Motion Analysis System, which is consisted of 8 Falcon Analog Cameras. It was found that the high stepping led to a mediolateral increase in the head and trunk swing. The second finding was that it showed more elbow and wrist swings in the anterior-posterior dimension when the eyes were closed. Furthermore, with either the eyes were open or closed the elbows and wrists represented asymmetrical movement trajectories (anterior-posterior swings). It suggested that the asymmetries of the upper extremities seemed to function for the compensation of the symmetries and balance of the lower extremities in the repetitive stepping task. The analysis of the autocorrelation function (ACF) revealed that visual information plays a significant role in coordinating the repetitive stepping movements.


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