  • 期刊


An Adaptive Algorithm for RFID Tag Anti-Collision


RFID無線射頻辨識廣泛應用於供應鏈管理的辨識系統,Reader和Tag之間藉由無線頻道上互相傳遞訊號來通訊。Tag碰撞問題是一個重要的議題,當兩個以上的Tag同時傳送訊號時便發生碰撞及干擾,使得Reader無法即時辨識出Tag資訊,造成系統效能的下降,因此必須制定防碰撞協定來解決Tag碰撞問題,以減少Tag碰撞率來提升辨識速度。在這篇論文中,我們將提出一個名為AFQB的ALOHA-Based防碰撞協定,利用自適性訊框調整(Adaptive Frame Adjustment)和佇列負載平衡(Queue Load Balance)兩個階段減少碰撞的次數以及Reader發出指令數目來加快辨識速度。論文最後以模擬實驗與著名的EDFSA以及BT Protocol進行效能比較,結果顯示我們所提出的AFQB演算法確實可有效降低Tag碰撞機率,提高RFID系統的辨識效益。


RFID 防碰撞 自適性 ALOHA-Based 二元樹


RFID system is a automatic identification system which is widely used in the supply chain management. A reader identifies a multiple number of tags through communication over a wireless channel. As multiple tags transmit signals to the reader simultaneously, the signal interferences and collisions happen. Thus, the reader can not identify tags in time and the system performance is degraded. Tag collision is an important issue for supporting fast tag identification. It is essential to develop a robust tag anti-collision protocol to remedy the tag collision problem to speed up tag identification. In this paper, an ALOHA-Based anti-collision protocol called AFQB (Adaptive Frame Adjustment and Queue Load Balance) protocol is proposed. By adopting the methods proposed in this paper, including adaptive frame adjustment and queue load balancing, the number of tag collision is reduced. As will be shown in the simulation results, the identification efficiency (both communication overhead and identification time) of the proposed AFQB is better than those of the well-known EDFSA and BT protocol.


RFID Anti-Collision Adaptive ALOHA-Based Binary Tree
