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The Application of Aiken Content Validity Coefficient and Homogeneity Reliability Coefficient in Sport Event Subjective Prestige Inventory



本文旨在探討如何能夠將運動項目主觀聲望量表之內容效度和同質性信度以量化的方式呈現,並以統計檢定的方式來檢驗其顯著性。該二項指標的值皆介於0-1之間,其值越大,則代表此指標之內容效度與同質性信度越高。本量表以大學院校體育教師、大學院校運動教練、體育行政人員等十二位專家學者,評定十九項特質作為運動項目主觀聲望指標的重要程度,「重要程度」的評定採五點量尺,由專家學者判斷最重要程度至最不重要程度給予5,4,3,2,1的分數。 經由統計分析的結果顯示,共有十三項聲望指標在內容效度以及同質性信度皆達到顯著,他們包括喜好度、自信心、體驗快樂、運動技能、參與感、認同感、成就感、發展性、可看度、尊重度、歡迎度、支持度、知名度等。


This research was aimed to discuss how to quantify presenting the content validity coefficient and homogeneity reliability coefficient in sport event subjective prestige scale, and examed its eminence through statistic examination. The number of these two indexes falls from 0 to 1, and the larger the number was, the higher the content validity and homogeneity reliability coefficient of the index. In this diagram, twelve professional scholars of the physical education tutors, sports coaches and physical education administrators from colleges and universities evaluated the degree of importance of sport event subjective prestige inventory. The ichdegree of importance ich is evaluated by 5 subscales, and each professional scholar marks from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 respectively by judging from the most important degree to the least important degree. From the statistic analysis result, there were thirteen reputation index achieve the eminent degree within the content validity and homogeneity reliability indexes, including: favorite degree, confidence, experiencing happiness, sports skill, participation degree, identification degree, achievement degree, development degree, enjoyment degree, respect degree, popularity degree, supporting degree and reputation degree.


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