  • 期刊


Protective effect conferred by the initial bout of different intensities of eccentric exercise against subsequent bout of maximal eccentric exercise


久未運動民眾,突然做高強度離心運動(eccentric contraction, EC)容易引起肌肉損傷(muscle damage, MD)現象。在做最大EC前,先做預先EC具有降低引起MD或加快MD恢復速度效果,相關文獻稱此現象為重複訓練效應(repeated bout effect, RBE)。近期文獻發現,做10%離心運動(10% eccentric exercise, 10%EC)不會引起MD,但仍有效產生RBE。10%EC為一項安全性高的運動,具有發展成 為體能差等不同族群之促進健康的運動方式之一。因此,本研究目的在於針對預先不同強度EC對上、下肢肌群RBE影響、上肢與下肢肌群產生RBE比較、RBE可能機轉進行相關文獻探討與分析。希望透過本文介紹,讓讀者對預先不同強度EC產生RBE最新研究趨勢與相關訓練應用層面知識,能有所瞭解與參考。


Unaccustomed to resistance exercise can result in severe muscle damage (MD) , especially when it is preceded by high-intensity eccentric exercise (EC). Performing the second bout of the identical maximal EC2 2-3 weeks after the first bout of the same limb can significantly attenuated the magnitude of MD and/or faster recovery of MD compared to the first bout, and this is referred to as "repeated bout effect (RBE) ". Several recent studies reported that an initial bout of 10% EC (10%EC) that does not result in muscle damage can also confers RBE against subsequent EC. Due to 10%EC is safer, do not induce severe MD, it is possible to be an ideal exercise for promoting health for those with the population of poor physical fitness and so on. Thus, the purpose of this review article mainly focuses on the RBE confers by the initial bout of different intensities of EC against subsequent MD of upper and lower limbs, comparison of the RBE conferred by the initial bout of different intensities of EC against subsequent maximal EC between the upper and lower limbs, possible mechanisms of RBE, and future direction. We hope this review paper can provide some reference of understanding the relationship between the intensities of EC and RBE for the readers.


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