  • 期刊


The Analysis of Baseball Pitchers: The Case of 107 HBT


棒球是台灣凝聚全民共識與自豪的國球,如何更有效提升國內棒球水準與全球競爭力,成為重要的研究議題。本研究以高中木棒聯賽為例,進行球賽相關的大數據分析,包括球種球速與使用比例等,做為訓練戰術與比賽策略之基礎。目的:分析國內青棒投手各球種平均速度以及配球模式,制訂有效球賽策略與戰術。方法:使用錄影帶系統觀察法整理與分析本屆12強賽事共14場、投手共投出3546球以及四強投手共投出559球之概況。結果:(一)不同球種投球數比率發現,所有投手的投球均速為124.10 km/hr,快速直球的平均球速則為130.72 km/hr,使用最多球種為直球占60.2 %,其次為曲球占22.4 %的變化球使用;(二)配球模式比率分析發現,每打席首球使用比率61 %為快速直球,與四強首球使用比率65%的快速直球皆占最高;而在投手球數領先時,使用變化球的比例高於直球。結論:(一)高中投手尚有提升球速與投球威力之空間;(二)高中投手在開發球速外,需增進變化球種及控制能力以提升戰鬥力;(三)配球數據分析結果,可以有效提升投手戰鬥力;(四)以不同球數情境訓練與培養投打雙方,可以有效提升投打品質與球賽競爭力。


Baseball is the national sport of Taiwan that gathers the consensus and pride of Taiwanese people. Consequently, that is important to research for improving domestic baseball performance and global competitiveness. This research collected the data from High School Baseball Taiwan (wooden bat group) competitions, including pitch types, ball velocity and usage ratio of pitch types, as the basis for training tactics and game strategy. Purpose: To analyze the average ball velocity and pitching strategy model of the Taiwanese U18 pitchers and develop the game strategies and tactics effectivity. Method: Video systematic observation was used to collect and analyze the 14 games from the top 12 competitions with totally 3546 balls thrown by pitchers, and the 2 games from semifinal games with totally 559 balls thrown by pitchers in the 2018 HBT tournament. Results: (1) The average pitching velocity of all pitchers was 124.10 km/hr, and the average velocity of fastball is 130.72 km/hr. The most used pitch type was fastball (60.2%), and the most used breaking ball was curve ball(22.4%) as the second most used pitch type. (2) The most used pitch type of first pitch of each plate appearance was fastball (61%), and the most used pitch type of first pitch of each plate appearance in semi-final games was fastball (65%), simultaneously. The pitching strategy model analysis showed that the usage ratio of breaking balls was higher than fastball when the pitchers aheading in the count. Conclusion: (1) The U18 pitchers needed to improve the ball velocity and pitching power. (2) To improve pitching power, the U18 pitchers needed to enhance breaking balls and the abilities of control and command in addition to develop ball velocity. (3) Applying of the ball distribution data could effectively enhance the pitching power (4) The both of pitchers and batters could be trained in the situation of different ball count to increase the quality of pitching/batting and the competitiveness of the game.


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