  • 期刊


National Identity Issues of Vietnam: Challenges from Big Neighbor, Colonialism, and Globalization




越南歷史 胡志明 越戰 法國殖民 全球化


The main purpose of this article is to do historical review on Vietnam before and after its independence from foreign powers and the formation of its nation state. The major ”otherness” roles during this long process are China, France, and the United States. Among them, China played the longest and strongest force for Vietnamese nationalism. Resisting the Chinese invasion through military and cultural means was the most important task for Vietnam's pursue for identity. The French colonialism also inspired the Vietnamese elites to get independence and build the modern nation state. The Vietnam War with the United States concluded the final chapter of the state building process. Facing the wave of globalization after the Cold War, Vietnam adopted the whole new attitude to engage with the region and the whole world. Its open policy instantly helps to build up its economic base and earned positive image globally. However, just like the case of its counterpart, China, the Communist regime could not avoid the request for political reform. Therefore, the major task for the future would be on the political aspect in Vietnam.


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