  • 期刊


The Relationship of Service Quality, Customer's Perception and Loyalty in Mobile Telecommunication Industry


近年來,由於政府開放電信市場自由化之後,行動通訊系統業發展迅速,市場競爭更為激烈,而台灣行動電話的普及率高居世界第一。隨著電信市場的開放與競爭的增加,行動通訊系統業者不但要吸引新客戶,更重要的是如何留住舊有的客戶,因為吸引新客戶的成本遠高於留住舊有客戶所需的成本,因此業者提高消費者對於公司的忠誠度則成為經營上的重要課題。 本研究提出九項假設,並利用問卷的方式來驗證,以台北與桃園地區行動通訊系統用戶為調查對象,採用LISREL研究方法來分析服務價格、服務品質、顧客價值、顧客滿意、轉換成本與忠誠度之間的因果關係。本研究結果發現其中兩項假設不成立之外,其餘七項假設均成立:(1)服務價格與知覺服務品質有正向的因果關係;(2)服務價格與知覺顧客價值有負向的因果關係;(3)服務品質對顧客滿意有正向的因果關係;(4)知覺顧客價值對顧客滿意有正向的因果關係;(5)知覺顧客價值對忠誠度有正向因果的關係;(6)顧客滿意對忠誠度有正向的因果關係;以及(7)轉換成本對忠誠度有正向的因果關係。綜而言之,知覺顧客價值、顧客滿意與轉換成本對於忠誠度有正向且直接的關係,而知覺服務品質則透過顧客滿意對於忠誠度有間接的影響性。


Recently, with liberalization of the telecommunication industry, the development of the telecommunication industry has been swift, and the competition in the Taiwan market has more and more increased. The popular rate of mobile phone in Taiwan is number one in the world. The mobile phone service proprietor must know how to retain old customers, because the cost of attracting new customers is more than the cost of retaining old ones. That is, to increase the customer's loyalty is an important issue for the corporation operation. This study used the questionnaires to survey those who have used the mobile telecommunication service in Taipei and Taoyuan. Through analyzing nine hypotheses by LISREL, this study found that: (1) Service price has a positive effect on perceived service quality; (2) Service price has a negative effect on perceived customer's value; (3) Perceived service quality has a positive effect on customer's satisfaction; (4) Perceived customer's value has a positive effect on customer's satisfaction; (5) Perceived customer's value has a positive effect on loyalty; (6) Customer's satisfaction has a positive effect on loyalty; (7) Switching cost has a positive effect on loyalty. In conclusion, perceived customer's value, customer's satisfaction and switching cost significantly influence loyalty.


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