  • 期刊


A Study of the Factors Affecting Human Detecting in Organization's Crisis Early Warning Signals


本研究嘗試以偵測組織危機為出發點,對國內外相關文獻進行探討、歸納,分析建構出組織成員在進行危機警訊偵測活動時,影響其活動績效之關鍵因素,再運用分析層級程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),透過問卷獲致各影響因素的比重及排序關係。研究計得重要影響因素十六項,歸類為三大主要影響層面,並建立層級結構,問卷分析發現,「警訊本質的因素」是國軍單位組織成員執行危機警訊偵測的主要影響層面中,最重要的關鍵指標;而「成員個人的知識、工作經驗與資歷」為十六項重要影響因素中權重排序第一之因素。允可提供組織對危機警訊管理之核心要項在執行做法優先順序上之參考,俾在有限資源與人力下,做最有效之危機管理規劃執行。


This research is intended to detect and to examine the crisis of organization. Concluding and analyzing relevant literatures, the hierarchy structure of the important factors that affect personnel's detection of the warning signals is constructed. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is the main methodology to analyze the results of questionnaires.Sixteen affecting factors are gathered and are sorted into three major aspects to build up the analytic hierarchy. In the findings, ”the factors of warning signal itself” is the main influencing factor to the members of military when carrying out the detection of crisis warning signal. The factor ”personal knowledge, working experience, and tenure of service” is the first priority of sixteen important influence factors. This implies that personnel's detection of early warning signals provides a diagnostic or predictive guideline for strategists and regulators in Crisis management.


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