  • 期刊


Influences of the Smoke Vent Designs on the Large Spatial Buildings-Take the Kaohsiung Arena as the Example


台灣地區陸續啟用大型室內活動場所、體育館等建築,由於場地廣大、用途多樣性及容留人數眾多,一旦發生火災,必定造成大量人員生命與財產損失。就火場排煙理論而言,台灣目前大型室內活動場多爲密閉式屋頂之建築物,與國外可開啟式圓頂建築物之煙控策略不同,且此類型建築物之排煙系統,多屬自然式煙控系統,本文係以NIST/BFRL(美國國家標準暨技術協會火災實驗室)所研發火災模擬軟體FDS(Fire Dynamics Simulator)爲研究工具,模擬大空間巨蛋體育館之自然排煙窗方位對於煙控系統安全性能之影響,以改善不適當之排煙系統設置,避免因受自然風之影響而使濃煙不易排出,蓄積於建築物內,本研究藉由針對研究對象火場模擬,將大型建築物空間劃分成若干個細小格點,且利用數值方法將描述火災現象的動量、質量及組成成份,紊流參數等非線性偏微分方程式離散化成代數方程式,代入輸入條件,重複迭代計算模擬空間中細小格點之物理特性,預測火災情境發生過程中,每個格點的速度、壓力、溫度、濃度值。研究結果顯示,排煙口設於側面,易於短時間內佈滿濃煙,影響建築物內溫度、二氧化碳濃度及可見度,不利於建築物內人員避難逃生,建議排煙口位置由側面改爲上方、並加強輔助機械排煙及可自動開閉式的巨蛋體育館之設計最爲安全。


Taiwan launches such buildings as the large-scale indoor playground, and gymnasium, because these place are vast and filled people in numerously, once the fire takes place, they may cause a large number of persons' life and property loss. In respect to smoke control in the scene of a fire, the large-scale indoor playground is mostly the airtight type roof at present in Taiwan, different from the round-top building of foreign countries. In this type building one arrange the smoke system with naturally-ventilated pattern. This thesis used a tool FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator) developed by NIST/BFRL (American National Standard and fire laboratory of the technological association) to simulate the smoke flow in a huge gymnasium and the influences of window position by naturally smoke control. In order to improve the arrangement of smoke control system and to prevent from the accumulation of smoke inside the building, this research divided the large-scale building into several tiny grids, and utilize the numerical method to describe the momentum, quality of the fire phenomenon and turbulent parameters. Then, this study turned the differential equations into the algebraic equations and plug in the physical characteristic of the tiny grids in the space repeatedly to predict the fire situations such as the speed, pressure, and temperature. The findings showed that, if the smoke vents are in the side direction, it is easier to accumulate the thick smoke, and may affect the building temperature, the carbon dioxide density and the visibility. This situation will affect the evacuation of occupants. This research aims to propose the optimized performance-based smoke control designs.


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