  • 期刊


Basic Hazard Identification Tools for Operational Risk Management


危險識別是整個作業風險管理程序之基礎。非常顯然地,如果一項危險因素無法被識別,那麼這項危險之風險將無法被控制。所以在危險識別上所做的努力,對於整個作業風險管理程序將有事半功倍的影響力。 本文探討作業風險管理第一步驟危險識別之基本工具,包括:作業分析、初步危險因素分析、假設狀況法、情境程序法、邏輯圖、變化分析及因果法等。目的在於運用危險識別之藝術與科學,以辨認策略上及事故的風險,進而避免、控制及移除危險來降低風險。


A hazard can be defined as any real or potential condition that can cause operation degradation, injury, illness, death to personnel or damage to or loss of equipment or property. Hazard identification is the first step and foundation of the entire operational risk management process. It is obviously that if a hazard is not identified, it is then can not be controlled. The effort expended in identifying hazards will have a multiplier effect on the impact of the total operational risk management process. This study investigated 7 basic hazard identification tools which include Operations Analysis, Preliminary Hazard Analysis, The ”What If” Tool, Scenario Process, Logic Diagram. The Change Analysis, The Cause and Effect Tool. Most of the tools indicated can be used in a variety of creative ways to help identify real or potential hazards. Through further continuous operational risk management process designed to assess and control the risk, the risk could therefore be reduced, mitigated, or eliminated while enhancing performance and maximizing operation capabilities.


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