  • 期刊


Japanese Cabinets's Crisis Management Policies: The Comparison between Great Hanshin Earthquake and Eastern Japan Great Earthquake




Crisis management refers to central and local governments' responses to emergencies and their dealing with major disasters or events that threaten to harm the general public and socio-economic operation to minimize all kinds of damages and restore the order rapidly. The two types of earthquakes are different, as Great Hanshin Earthquake is urban epicentral earthquake and Eastern Japan Great Earthquake is a complex one, and seem to be incomparable. However, instead of focusing on the qualities of earthquakes, the author confer this paper solely on the perspective of crisis management, by analyzing and comparing the Japanese governments' decision-making and actions in the two earthquakes. The author studies the rise of crisis management in Japan, introduces the situations of the two great earthquakes, and then brings forward the policy differences between Prime Minister Murayama and Kan by discussing the formulation of Rehabilitation Basic Act and the formal appointment of Reconstruction Minister.


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