  • 期刊


Using Fuzzy AHP to Analyze Consumers' Preference in Mobile Value-Added Service


隨著全球無線通訊及手機市場的蓬勃發展,使得結合無線通訊與網際網路的行動商務,成為眾所矚目的焦點。我國在電信開放自由化後,行動通訊的發展就一直以極快的速度成長。由於目前各大電信業者皆面臨到用戶成長率趨緩及語音用戶平均利潤貢獻度下降的情況,因此各電信業者紛紛推出新的行動加值服務項目來拉攏顧客,但不斷增加的服務項目是否符合顧客之需求,則有待商榷。因此本研究以模糊層級分析法分析消費者對行動加值服務之偏好,進而提供系統提供業者在服務提供上之策略性參考。 研究結果發現目前消費者最重視之前五項行動加值服務分別為:通訊類的簡訊發送、通訊類的通訊錄、資訊類的醫療諮詢、資訊類的交通資訊及交易類的防盜刷等功能;而最不受消費者重視的五項則為:娛樂類的卡通圖像下載、交易類的行動銀行、交易類的電子交易、娛樂類的收聽廣播及娛樂類的電玩遊戲等功能。因此系統業者欲將原本提供的行動加值服務加以改良或提供新的行動加值服務,便可由本研究結果之重要性排序做為參考依據,以得事半功倍之效。


With the vigorous global development of the wireless telecommunications and cellular phones industry, everyone has shown great interest in the mobile commerce of both wireless telecommunications and the Internet. Following the telecommunications liberalization in Taiwan, the development of mobile telecommunications continues to grow rapidly. The telecom operators are currently confronted with a sluggish growth rate of users and a decrease in the average revenue per user. To solve this problem, all operators can and will increase mobile value-added services. The increasing service items whether meet the customers' needs or not is a big question. Thus, this study uses fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) to analyze the consumers' preference in mobile value-added service. This has caused telecom operators to explore on this service-providing strategy. Results show that the short messages service, contact list, medical consultation, traffic information, and transaction security are the most important mobile value-added service items. Moreover, the five service items that are less emphasized are cartoon image download, mobile banking, electronic transactions, broadcast, and electronic games. The outcome of this study is ale to serve as a reference for telecom operators to improve the original service or provide new mobile value-added service.


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