  • 期刊


Research and Objects of the Olympic Education in Japan: Educational Activities by the Center for Olympic Research and Education at the University of Tsukuba


本文將介紹日本首次被IOC認可的奧林匹克教育平臺(Center for Olympic Research and Education, CORE)之目的、理念及實踐事例。此外,與其他的奧林匹克研究中心(OSCs)相比,CORE更加重視實踐教育,強調「奧林匹克研究」和「實踐教育」的關連性。研究最終希望不只充實現存的奧林匹克教育,也為未來奧林匹克教育概念進行建言。並在經過審慎的調查後,以「應如何提倡建言,才能獲得大眾的期待」為目的。本研究主要調查CORE的事業內容,並以平成22年度(2010年)奧林匹克教育的實踐事例做為研究對象。世界各國當中有30個奧林匹克研究中心,除了詳細調查經常辦理活動的奧林匹克研究中心,並與CORE的事業內容相比較與檢討之外,更進一步詳細介紹CORE於奧林匹克教育的方向性。本文的總結為,在現今社會當中關於「奧林匹克教育」是如何被大眾期待,以及如何能對社會有所貢獻等問題,CORE將以奧林匹克理念為基礎進行考察,進而提出對「奧林匹克教育」的建言。


The objective of the paper is to introduce the purpose, the ideal and practical cases of Center for Olympic Research and Education (CORE)at the University of Tsukuba, which was instituted with the approval by IOC in last year(on 10th December 2010). Eventually, an original view of a future-oriented concept of Olympic Education is shown at the end of paper. The introductions of some original points regarding Olympic research and education are also showed in the paper. Especially, the point is explained that the CORE places a special emphasis on practical educations compared to other Olympic studies centers and on a new effort with a relation between Olympic research and Olympic education with laboratory schools attached to the University of Tsukuba. The procedure of the paper is as follows,1. introducing the summary of the CORE at the University of Tsukuba,2. explaining the coordination between the University and the laboratory schools attached to the University,3. introducing case studies of CORE's practices about Olympic Education in 2010-2011,4. showing the future of Olympic Education by CORE.Finally, we would like to present the new direction about Olympic education that the CORE should be driven for on the basis of Olympism that is a philosophy of the Olympic Movement.


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