  • 期刊


The Variation of Female Body Right during the Event of Tachia Ma Tsu Surrounding




After decades of variant generation and region, the forming characters of Ma Tsu goddess contains complicated meaning in multiple aspects. Ma Tsu goddess is one of important faith in Taiwan and the southern part of Fukien Province of China. All the past dynasties and governments utilized this faith to be a policy of controlling its people. The effect of Ma Tsu is obvious. The objective is to study the self-authority and performance of Ma Tsu goddess' body during the event of faithful pilgrims following Matsu through Tachia. Methods included historical approach and documental analysis to investigate several parts: the self-alteration of female body under patriarchal society, the traditional concehpt of self-controlled situation of female, The change of subordination of women in traditional society, circumstances of women body exhibited in the religious ceremony. The event of faithful pilgrims followingMatsu through Tachia has became one of the three big religious affairs, we wonder that if there any ancient male-dominant views still existed in the faith of Ma Tsu goddess which is composed mainly by female pilgrims, especially in the aspect of goddess, self-control of female and participation. Although the status of Ma Tsu goddess raise constantly, the female are still in a subordinate position and role. Even if there is significant success in self-controlled situation of female body and fight for right of public, it is still hard work to gaining right of personality and self-controlled situation of female body.


religious rite Tachia Ma Tsu female body right


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大甲鎮瀾宮,〈媽祖的故事〉,http://www.dajiamazu.org.tw/art/page02-3-3.htm, 2011 年5 月28 日檢索。
今日新聞網,〈大甲媽祖換衣有禁忌 女信徒須吃素淨身 月事喪事皆不宜〉, http://www.nownews.com/2007/04/11/123-2080370.htm, 2007 年4 月11 日檢索。


