  • 期刊

Parasites in the Ming Dynasty: From the Perspective of the Compendium of Materia Medica (Bencao gangmu, 1596 CE)



This study focuses on the knowledge of parasites, especially endoparasites, in the Ming Dynasty through the combination of paleoparasitological records and the famous medical book, the Compendium of Materia Medica. This study summarizes the paleoparasitological findings in the Ming Dynasty and further discusses the causes, remedies, and cures in the Compendium of Materia Medica. With the knowledge of modern medicine, this study proposes possible causes of parasitic infections seen through the daily activities in the Ming Dynasty. Lastly, this study tries to explain the reasons behind the disparency in the records between paleoparasitological and written texts.




李時珍 絛蟲 蛔蟲 蟯蟲 傳統中醫學


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