  • 期刊


The Analysis Technique Factors of Influence Tournament Success or Failure of International Professional Female Tennis Players


本研究旨在探討2010四大網球公開賽中優秀女子網球選手技術分析之研究。研究對象是以參加2010年四大網球公開賽中女子網球選手為對象,本研究所採用統計方法為獨立樣本 t 檢定,顯著水準設定為α= .05。本研究結果得到:在澳網中,第一發球進球率、ACE球數、第一發球贏球率、第二發球贏球率、致勝球、接發球點勝率、每盤破發成功率、網前得分率、每盤得分、最快發球球速等因子,獲勝結果皆比落敗結果表現較佳;在法網中,第一發球贏球率、第二發球贏球率、致勝球、接發球點勝率、網前得分率、每盤得分、第一發球平均速等因子,獲勝結果皆比落敗結果表現較佳;在溫網中,ACE球數、第一發球贏球率、第二發球贏球率、致勝球、每盤得分等因子,獲勝結果皆比落敗結果表現較佳;在美網中,第一發球贏球率、第二發球贏球率、致勝球、接發球點勝率、網前得分率、每盤得分、最快發球球速、第二發球平均速等因子,獲勝結果皆比落敗結果表現較佳。本研究結論為四大網球公開賽中,獲勝或落敗結果在技術分析因子上確有共同之處。雖然發球與接發球技術是影響比賽勝負的關鍵元素,但若技術發展不夠全面,進而造成攻守失衡,也無法作為是勝利的保證;唯有朝向強力且技術全面的方向發展,方能提高獲勝的機率。


This study was to investigate the technique analysis of Four Tennis Opens of outstanding female tennis players. The female tennis players in this study participated in four tournaments in the year 2010. They were Australian Open, France Open, Wimbledon Championship and the US Open. The study adopted Independent t test as the statistical method. The remarkable standard established (α = .05). Results: Australian Open 2010, the factors were the percentage of the first-serve, Aces, the percentage of the first-serve points won, the percentage of the second-serve points won, winners, the percentage of the receiving points won, the percentage of the break points won, the percentage of the next approaches, the scores of each set and the fastest of the serve speed. The winners manifested better than the losers (p < .05). France Open 2010, the factors were the percentage of the first-serve points won, the percentage of the second-serve points won, winners, the percentage of the receiving points won, the percentage of the next approaches, the scores of each set and the fastest of the serve speed. The match between the winners and the losers were significantly different (p < .05). Wimbledon Championship 2010, the factors were aces, the percentage of the first-serve points won, the percentage of the second-serve points won, winners, and the scores of each set. The winners manifested better than the losers (p < .05). The US Open 2010, the factors were the percentage of the first-serve points won, the percentage of the second-serve points won, winners, the percentage of the receiving points won, the percentage of the next approaches, the scores of each set, the fastest of the serve speed and the average of the second-serve speed. The winners significantly overcame their rivals. The study discovered that the factors of the technique patterns indeed have common ground with Four Tennis Opens, no matter it was the winners or the losers. Although the key factors of the serving-receiving skills influenced competition to be success or failure. If the skills did not develop overall, it might cause offensive and defensive unbalance. Then no one can ensure to win.


Four Tennis Opens skill patterns


