  • 期刊


A Study on the Female Tombs around the Two Capitals of Tang Dynasty


喪葬作爲禮制的一環,在落實抽象思維的同時,也凸顯了實際操作後的各種變通。唐代兩京附近出土的大量墓葬,以工整的序列實現了唐律期待的喪葬等級秩序,然而在工整之外,實際發掘的多樣性也豐富了文獻一言蔽之的簡單陳述。在事死如事生的觀念下,墓葬等級理應單純的對應著亡者生前所受封或死後所追贈的身份,但也正因爲生者在政治、禮制或情感上的介入,使得墓葬行爲在國家黑紙白字的直線規則下,顯得多變而斑斕。 本文著重討論唐代兩京附近女性墓葬的等級秩序,過去學者們的研究已將兩京地區的唐代墓葬依墓葬形制進行分類並完成整體唐墓等級的闡述。本文將女性墓葬獨立觀察,其目的不在於凸顯女性的特殊性,而希望透過比較,以釐清性別因素對於喪葬行爲的影響。本文在前人的研究基礎下,欲改以生前品秩作爲分類標準,以便檢視品秩與埋葬等級的對應,及其例外。


唐代 女性墓 性別考古學


The large amount of tombs excavated around the two capitals of Tang Dynasty formed the classic order from royal members to ordinary people which were analyzed by scholars. This article is exclusively focus on female tombs of Tang. The purpose of the study is not to overemphasize the uniqueness of female, but to clarify the burial behavior and tomb structure influenced by gender factor through comparative approach. The main approach of the article is to classify the excavated female tombs by the official rank and honorific titles of their masters, which is different from the previous studies that the tombs were classified by their structure. By this approach, it is obvious that the influence of honorific titles played a much important role on the rank of female tombs, which is different from male, than that of official rank. Because in the court, most of male officials had official rank and honorific titles, both influence the structure of their tombs, but female usually had honorific titles only, such as Queen, Princess, ranked Wives of officials. The female officials with official rank and honorific titles as man were high class servant in the court. However, even they were ranked high honorific titles by the government because of their hard work, their structure of tombs cannot approach to the standard of those women with honorific titles originated from their blood or the rank of their fathers and husbands.


