  • 期刊


Effects of Capsule Maturity and Fluridone Treatment on in vitro Seed Germination in Bulbophyllum retusiusculum


黃萼捲瓣蘭(Bulbophyllum retusiusculum Reichb. f.)爲臺灣原生豆蘭屬植物,人工繁殖方法之建立將有助於物種之保育,本研究探討果莢成熟度與氟啶草酮(fluridone; 離層酸生合成抑制劑)處理對黃萼捲瓣蘭無菌播種發芽之影響。取自然授粉之果莢進行無菌播種,果莢開裂當天播種者之發芽率最低(27.9%),而果莢開裂前85天播種者之發芽率最高(50.4%)。另取人工授粉後120、150、180及270天之果莢進行無菌播種,結果以人工授粉後270天之果莢發芽率最高(72.6%);其果莢之成熟度相當於開裂前90天。黃萼捲瓣蘭於授粉後120-150天受精,150天左右形成3個細胞的原胚,180天可觀察到發育至早期球形胚階段的原胚,270天胚發育至圓球胚階段。於授粉後130天對黃萼捲瓣蘭果莢處理不同濃度之fluridone不會影響採收果莢之大小及鮮重,但處理50或100 μM fluridone可有效提高種子發芽率;其中以50μM fluridone處理者之發芽率最高,爲33.4%,而未處理者僅15.6%。


Bulbophyllum retusiusculum Reichb. f. is an orchid species native to Taiwan. The establishment of mass production method will assist the conservation of this species. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of capsule maturity and fluridone (an abscisic acid synthetic inhibitor) treatment on in vitro seed germination in B. retusiusculum. Seeds collected and sowed on the day of capsule splitting had the lowest germination percentage (27.9%), while those collected and sowed 85 days before capsule splitting had the highest (50.4%). In another experiment, capsules were harvested 120, 150, 180, or 270 days after artificial pollination (DAP) and the seeds were used for in vitro germination test. Seeds from capsules collected 270 DAP, which was equivalent to 90 days before capsule splitting, had the highest germination percentage (72.6%). In the embryo development of B. retusiusculum, fertilization occurred 120-150 DAP; zygote developed into three-celled proembryo approximately 150 DAP; early globular stage proembryo was discernible 180 DAP; and the embryo developed to the globular stage 270 DAP. Fluridone application at 130 DAP did not affect the size and fresh weight of capsules at harvest; and seeds in capsules treated with 50 or 100 μM fluridone had higher germination rates subsequently. The highest germination percentage was found in seeds from capsules treated with 50 μM fluridone. Seeds so treated had 33.4% germinated while those untreated had only 15.6% germinated.
