  • 期刊


Jürgen Moltmann and Kazoh Kitamori on the Pain of God




In 1946, Kazoh Kitamori published his Theology of the Pain of God, emphasizing that the pain of God caused by the death of his Son should form the core of the doctrine of God. With this, Kazoh opened a new chapter in twentieth-century works on the doctrine of God. In 1972 Jürgen Moltmann published The Crucified God, in which he similarly accentuated the pain God experienced through the cross of Jesus. In the later historiography of theology, however, the important differences between these two classics, each of which attempts to work through the Japanese and German war experiences by wrestling with the question of the pain of God, have not been adequately highlighted. The following essay will discuss the substantial difference between these two works from the perspective of the doctrine of the Trinity, eschatology and the sovereignty of God.


Agamben, Giorgio. Pilatus und Jesus. Edited by A. Hiepko. Berlin: MSB Matthes & Seitz Verlagsgesellschaft, 2014.
Thomas v. Aquin. Summa contra gentilies. Bd.1. Edited by K. Albert, P. Engelhardt, L. Dümpelmann. 2nd. Edition. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2005.
Barth, Christoph. Die Errettung vom Tode: Leben und Tod in den Klage- und Dankliedern des Alten Testaments. Edited by Bern Janowski. Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 1997.
Barth, Karl. Kirchliche Dogmatik. II/1. 4th Edition. Zollikon: Evangelischer Verlag AG, 1958.
Benjamin, Walter. Illuminations. Translated by H. Zohn. New York: Schocken Books, 19.
