  • 期刊


Improving the Correctness of Disposal of Insulin Injectors by Outpatient




This project aims to facilitate nursing personnel to ensure thoroughness and high execution rate of providing guidance of appropriate disposal of insulin injectors; thereby, increasing outpatient awareness on the correct way of disposing insulin injectors at home. According to the gathered data, we found that patients do not know how to properly discard used needles. As a result, insulin injection needles and syringes were arbitrarily discarded. It caused environmental pollution and the risk of infection to other. Hence, we set up a project team to improve the situation by establishing a standard disposal procedure, printing educational leaflets, organizing on-job training for nurses, producing virtual tools, designing propaganda advocacy posters, placing warning stickers and setting up addition recycle points for Insulin Injectors. All of the above actions have led to a substantial increase on the percentage of outpatients in correctly deposing the insulin needle from 49.3% to 93%. In addition, this project can also be extended to other divisions and wards in the hospital, regardless of any type of medical treatments. Furthermore, nursing staff can enforce the proper way of disposing the Insulin needle to the patients when teaching self-injection methods so that all patients will dispose the needle properly at home. Consequently, it will not only cut down the amount of medical waste and processing cost but also minimize the potential risks to public and environment. Henceforth, it can create a much safer and secure environment.


outpatients Insulin Injectors medical waste


