  • 期刊


Test a Model of Factors Influencing the Perceived Sponsorship Effectiveness by the Audience


本研究目的調查觀眾對贊助商的辨識和對賽事及贊助的態度對贊助效益之影響,研究假設對贊助商的辨識力愈高、對贊助的態度愈正面、對賽會的態度愈正面,贊助效益愈高。採用問卷調查,問卷內容主要包括「對贊助商辨識力」、「對賽會態度」、「對贊助態度」、「贊助效益」四個量表。便利抽樣在全運會現場發放315份、海碩盃400份,有效問卷289和320份。驗證性因素分析顯示,模型配適度(NFI=0.93, IFI=0.95, CFI=0.95, RMSEA=0.059)、量表信、效度(Construct reliability: 0.89-0.93; Convergent validity: 0.64-0.77)良好。結構方程模型分析結果顯示,研究假設獲得支持,以「對賽會態度」和「對贊助態度」影響「總贊助效益」的路徑係數較高(分別為0.37 和0.35),「對贊助商辨識力」影響總效益係數較低(0.21)。總贊助效益被解釋的變異量為51%。


贊助 贊助商 態度 運動賽事 效益


The purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of spectators' identification of sponsors and attitudes toward sport events and sponsorship on the effectiveness of sponsorship. It was hypothesized that when the sponsors were more easily identified, the effectiveness of the sponsorship would be higher. The second hypothesis was that those audiences who had more positive attitudes towards sponsorship perceived higher effectiveness of sponsorship. The third hypothesis was that those audiences who had more positive attitudes towards the sport event perceived higher effectiveness of sponsorship. A survey questionnaire was utilized, which included measures of identification of sponsors, measures of attitudes toward sponsorship and sport events, and measures of effectiveness of sponsorship. Convenience samples of 315 and 400 were recruited in 2009 National Athletic Games and 2009 OEC Taipei Ladies Open. The valid questionnaires were 289 and 320. Confirmatory factor analyses showed that the model fit (NFI=0.93, IFI=0.95, CFI=0.95, RMSEA=0.059), construct reliabilities and convergent validities of the scales were good (Construct reliability: 0.89-0.93, Convergent validity: 0.64-0.77). equation model analyses showed that three path coefficients were significant and the three hypotheses were supported. The path coefficient between the attitude towards the event and the effectiveness of sponsorship, 0.37, and the coefficient between the attitude towards the sponsors and the sponsorship effectiveness, 0.35, were higher than that between the identification of the sponsors and the sponsorship effectiveness, 0.21. The proportion of variance in the sponsorship effectiveness explained by the identification of the sponsors and by the attitudes towards the event and the sponsors was 51%.


sponsorship sponsor attitude sport event effectiveness


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