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The Research about the Development of Table Tennis in Taiwan


當今臺灣桌球體壇勇將輩出,有蔣澎龍、張雁書、莊智淵、陳建安、江宏傑、黃怡樺、鄭怡靜及陳思羽等人承先啟後,締造佳績:蔣澎龍拿下2000年亞洲桌賽男單冠軍、2001年世界桌賽單雙打季軍,並與張雁書於1998年亞運會雙打第三名、2000年奧運雙打第五名、2001年於日本舉行的世界錦標賽獲雙打第三名。莊智淵在2002年職業桌球年終大獎賽更勇奪男單冠軍、陳建安在2008年的世界青少年桌球錦標賽拿到男單金牌;2009年江宏傑的世界大學運動會男單金牌;乃至近期莊智淵在2012倫敦奧運奪下男單殿軍,不僅把臺灣的桌球運動推向世界舞台,更使桌球被列為我國奧運奪牌重點項目之一。本研究乃探究臺灣桌球運動發展之歷程,研究方法採文獻分析法(documentary analysis)。前言說明桌球的起源,接著整理與本文相關的既有研究成果,繼則論述臺灣各時期桌球運動的發展-包括組織、賽事以及國際比賽交流等情形;時間大抵始於戰後,迄於當今。再者,簡述亞洲與歐美國家的桌球運動,最後述及臺灣未來桌球運動的展望。


桌球 文獻分析法


Nowadays, there are many outstanding table tennis athletes come from Taiwan: Peng-Lung Chiang, Chang Yan-shu, Chuang Chih-yuan, Chen Jianan, Jiang Hongjie, I Hwa Huang Zhengyi Jing and Chen Siyu. They have great performance in the world: Peng-Lung Chiang won the Asian Championship men's singles champion in 2000 and World Tournament singles and doubles third place in 2001. And he also won the doubles third place in the 1998 Asian Games, the 2000 Olympic doubles fifth and doubles third in the 2001 World Tournament in Japan with Chang Yanshu. Chuang Chih-yuan won the men's singles title at the year-end Pro Tournament in 2002. Chen Jianan got the men's singles gold medal at the 2008 World Junior Table Tennis Championship. Jiang Hongjie won men's singles gold medal at the 2009 World University Games. And the recent, Chuang Chih-yuan got the single’s fifth at 2012 Olympic Game in London. All these achievements not only show the table tennis skills of Taiwanese but also make the table tennis become an important item in the project for chasing medals on Olympics. The purpose of this study was to explore the development of table tennis in Taiwan through the historical research method and the documentary analysis method. At first, we give a description of the origin of table tennis, and then sort out some documentary about this report. Third, expounding the development of table tennis in Taiwan, including the organization, competitions and international tournaments from 1949 to now. Fourth, we relate the developments of table tennis in Asia and European. Final, summarizing the prospect of table tennis in Taiwan.


Table Tennis Documentary Analysis


劉有財(2006)。臺灣桌球運動沿革與現況之研究。身體文化學報。3,115 -128。
