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The Relationship between Open-Skilled Exercise and Mood State in the Elderly: A Preliminary Study





網球 情緒 老年人


Purpose: Age-related decline in physical, psychological and behavioral capabilities are related to global health and functional capacity in the elderly. This is particularly relevant given that decreased mood state and depressive symptoms are common among the elderly. Emerging evidence has suggested that regular exercise is associated with reduced risk of depressive symptoms in older adults. Indeed, numerous studies have shown that exercise can have a positive influence on mood state. Nevertheless, the effects of exercise on mood have mostly been studied using aerobic exercise. Open-skill activities (e.g., table tennis, tennis, and badminton) require more cognitive resources and rapid shifts of attentional focus in response to unpredictable stimuli. This study proposes that open-skilled exercise can provides more cognitive benefits than aerobic exercise for the elderly. Given the close link between cognition and emotion, which has showed shared networks in the brain, it seems plausible to anticipate the beneficiary effect of open-skill exercise on mood state in older adults. However, the issues regarding the associations between open-skill exercise and mood state in older adults have yet to be explored. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between open-skill exercise amounts and mood state in older adults. Method: Twenty-six older adults who regularly participated in tennis were recruited and categorized into either high or low volume exercise groups based on the number of hours per week that they played tennis. The participants completed demographic details and Profile of Mood States (POMS). Results: The results showed that those in the high exercise volume group had lower tension compared to their low exercise counterparts. There were no group differences regarding vigor, esteem, confusion, fatigue, anger, depression and total mood disturbance (TMD). Conclusion: This study provides preliminary evidence supporting the mood benefits of participating in open skill physical activity for the elderly, and adds to existing literature by looking at types of physical activity other than that of aerobic exercise.


tennis emotion older adults


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