  • 期刊


Qualitative Research on Exploration of Motivation and Leisure Involvement in International Volunteers


本研究目的是:一、了解志工旅遊的由來與起源。二、了解志工參與國際志工旅遊動機。三、了解志工參與國際志工旅遊過程中的休閒涉入。四、了解志工經由服務的過程中,對個人發展的影響。本研究採用個案研究的方式,利用質性研究的深度、焦點團體及開放式訪談取向的方法,針對曾經參與金車教育基金會主辦的2006-2008年寒暑假「教育明燈 點亮泰北」服務的國際志工爲研究對象。本研究結果發現:「志工旅遊」主要目的是改變休閒重感官輕心靈的缺失,其成功關鍵在於有仲介團體做好安排,由於參與者是以度假心態來服務。參與國際志工旅遊,不但可以貢獻所學,而且可以學習當地語言,增長國際觀,豐富人生閱歷。國際志工旅遊提供志願服務者一個國際服務的平台,也提供志工一個反思的機會,知道自己不足的部份,要更努力去學習,也讓志願服務者學會珍惜,還有關懷周遭的人事物。


The purposes of this study: (1) to understand the original reason of Volunteer Tourism. (2) To understand the volunteer's motivation for participation in International Volunteer Tourism. (3) To understand the volunteer's participation in International Volunteer Tourism in the process of leisure involvement. (4) to understand personal development through the process of the volunteer service. This study used case studies and qualitative research using in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and open-ended questions asking a variety of International Volunteers who went to north of Thailand with the Kingcar Education Foundation from 2006 to 2008 during the winter or summer vacation. The finding of this study stresses that the main purpose of volunteer tourism is to change people's concepts about tourism in the past, that is, tourism which only emphasizes physical enjoyment, instead of mental development. When participating in volunteer tourism not only can people devote themselves to societies, but they can also learn local languages, broaden their horizons, and enrich their lives. Volunteer tourism offers volunteers an opportunity to develop as a person and a place to provide their services to the international society. Through this, volunteers can learn more to supplement their shortcomings and areas where they're lacking. Moreover, they will be able to understand and be satisfied with what they already have and to cherish, as well as take more care of things in their communities, societies, and even countries.


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