  • 期刊


Discussion selection of Japan's top ladies professional golfers driver


目的:利用日本頂尖女子職業高爾夫選手開球木桿的選配差異情形對其開球距離之影響分析。方法:本研究對象為日本女子職業高爾夫協會(Japan Ladies Professional Golf Association, JLPGA)的45 名頂尖選手,於2015 年使用的開球木桿在擊球距離的表現探討。結果:桿頭尺寸以選擇460cc 桿頭的27 位(60%)最多;桿面傾角以選擇9.5 度桿面傾角的20 位(44%)最多;桿身折點以選擇中折點的31 位(69%)最多;桿身重量以選擇55 克至59 克的24 位(53%)最多;桿身硬度以選擇硬度S 的23 位(51%)最多;桿身長度以選擇長度45 吋的19 位(42%)最多。結論:研究對象的平均開球距離為243.38 碼,此結果與一般業餘男子低差點球友的擊球表現頗為相近。準此,一般業餘球友在選擇開球木桿時,在沒有專業的量身訂製與起飛監視器的協助下,可將研究對象的規格做為參考依據。進而釐清影響不同開球木桿對擊球距離在各項數據間交互影響的關係,並從中找出其差異性及共通之處。


Objective: To analyze the impact of their use driving distance of Japan's top ladies professional golfers driver matching difference scenario. Methods: The subjects of this study in Japan Ladies Professional Golf Association (Japan Ladies Professional Golf Association, JLPGA) of 45 top players to explore the driver used in 2015 in driving distance performance. Results: The 460cc club head size to select the head of the 27 (60%) the most; club loft to select the 9.5 degree loft of 20 (44%) the most; shaft kick-point in the selection middle 31 (69%) the most; shaft weight to select 55-59 g of 24 (53%) the most; shaft flex to select the 23 (51%) of the flex S; shaft length to select the length of 45 inches 19 (42%) the most. Conclusion: The study average driving distance of 243.38 yards. This result is generally low handicap amateur golfers man quite similar. This general amateur golfers in the choice of driver, in the absence of professional and launch monitor tailored assistance, you can research the specifications of the object as a reference. Further clarify the impact of the relationship between different driver tee shot on the distance between the data interaction, and to find out their differences and common.


王耀聰、許績勝、黃娟娟、賴永成(2014)。2000 年到2012 年女子職業高爾夫球選手表現分析。興大體育學刊。13,61-69。
JLPGA (2016). STATS. Retrieved January 28, 2016, from http://www.lpga.or.jp/stats/driving_distance/
PGATOUR.com (2016). 2007 PGA TOUR Driving Distance. Retrieved January 22, 2016, from PGATOUR.com, Statistics Central Web site: http://www.pgatour.com/stats/stat.101.2016.html
