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Infusing Both Entertainment and Doctrine-Try Out to Illustrate the Map of Selecting Buddha from Ou Yi Master


佛學的教理瀚如煙海,如何對其做有系統時說明,由隋代的智者大師以「藏、通、別、圓」判釋佛陀的一代時教以後,唐代的賢首國師所創的賢首宗(即華嚴宗),亦不出其範圍。然而複雜難解的教理,如何以深入淺出的方式使人接受?又如何融入遊戲之中,使人在不懂教理,耳濡目染下也可以得到佛法的觀念,蕅益大師堪稱第一人。 他以天台宗的教理爲綱,再以六道輪迴,戒、定、慧,及聲聞、緣覺、菩薩、佛等四種聖位,念佛法門等爲緯,全部依據佛教經典,設計出一個有次第、有內容的遊戲。初學者玩,可以藉遊戲而認識佛法的名相:有程度者玩,可以藉上升次第而深入佛法義涵,真可說是寓佛法教理於娛樂的一個典型。


選佛譜 選佛圖 法界 念佛


The doctrine of Buddhism is vast as the open sea. In the Suei Dynasty, a knowledgeable master expounds the Buddha doctrine systemically. He clearly explain the doctrine of the Buddha era not only by ”Tz, Tang, Bie, Yuan” but also by the Shian-Shou Buddhism (also Hua-Yan Buddism) of Shian Shou national master in the Tang Dynasty. However, how to make people accept the intricate and obscure Buddha doctrine by explaining profound theories in simple. Ou Yi master is the first one who makes confusing human obtain Buddha conception by constantly sees and hears. He choices the doctrine of Tian-Tai Buddism as the main rope of a fishing net, and selects Buddha approaches such as the transmigration of six dao, monastic discipline, ding, wisdom, and four kinds of sacred place including Sheng-Wen, Yuan-Jiue, Bodhisattva, and Buddha in terms of woof to design a regular and contextualized game. Playing this game, beginner knows the truth of Buddhism. And leveled master interiorize the Buddhist doctrine by increasing next level. It is true that the map of selecting Buddha is a classical type to infuse both the Buddhist doctrine and entertainment.
