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The Design and Application of ZigBee Wireless Communication for Automatic Meter Reading System


近年來無線網路快速發展並應用於各種領域,因此利用無線區域感測網路(Wireless Local SensorNetwork, WLSN)建構自動讀錶(Automatic Meter Reading System, AMR)系統,取代高勞力密度的傳統抄錶,將是發展的重要趨勢。ZigBee無線通訊是屬於IEEE 802.15.4的通訊協定,具有雙向傳輸、可加解密、高可靠度、適用於感測網路及監控角色等多項特性,更重要的是ZigBee具有低耗電的特性,減少更換電池的困擾;另一方面ZigBee在無線介面上所擁有的AES-128 bits加密功能,讓傳送的資料更具保障而不易洩漏。因此,本文旨在研製以ZigBee架構的無線感測讀錶系統,利用光感測器感應訊號,將感測的資料經由ZigBee模組傳到調節者端,收集的資料傳回終端機並將其紀錄,達到電力系統全面監控之功能,不但可以迅速研判故障點、電力使用分佈,且可以整合資料獲得有效的電力經濟調度。


Recently, the technology of wireless internet is spread out rapidly and applied to different fields. By using WLSN (wireless local sensor network) to construct automatic meter reading system, it will take the place of conventional manual data recording. ZigBee wireless communication is a system conforming to IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. The characteristics of it include: two-way transmission, easy to be coded and decoded, high reliability, network detection and superior in monitoring than communication. Moreover, ZigBee consumes very little power. It reduces the problems of exchanging the battery frequently. On the other hand; the function of coding the information with AES-128bits makes it very reliable and safe. It is the most important issue and never to be over-emphasized for information security nowadays. The purpose of this study is focused on WLASN Automatic Meter Reading System, which is based on ZigBee. By using light sensor, the information detected can be transferred to adjuster by means of ZigBee module. The information collected will then be transferred and saved in the terminal. Achieve the purpose of monitoring electronic system thoroughly. Not only does the breakdown point and distribution of electricity can be monitor rapidly, but the electricity dispersion can be allotted properly by data integration. The AMR system mentioned in the thesis has the advantages as followed: reading the data of customers' consumption, alarm when the conditions exceed the setting point, monitoring power system, checking if the system and the usage of power still work or not and seizing the pattern of customers' usage.


IEEE 802.15 WPAN Task Group 4 (TG4), http://www.ieee802.org/15/pub/TG4.html
ZigBee Alliance, http://www.ZigBee.org/
瑞帝電通國際有限公司,“基本型Zigbee發展實驗器─PIXIE-EVAL- LAB1”,http://www.ritii.com/ch/product.php?CID=390
Safaric, S.,Malaric, K.(2006).ZigBee wireless standard.48th International Symposium ELMAR-2006.(48th International Symposium ELMAR-2006).:


