  • 期刊


Optimal Condition to Incubate Mung Bean Sprouts Using Design of Experiments


本研究利用芽菜培養箱進行芽菜栽培,並以電化學訊號作為研究芽菜成長之即時監測工具,配合用實驗設計法方式針對芽菜進行成長最佳化研究。實驗設計的五個實驗因素:以浸種溫度、浸種時間、灑水頻度、物理壓重、種子密度作為對芽菜生長特性之研究參數。實驗設計法分析,浸種溫度與物理壓重為最重要之影響因素。將灑水頻度設在六小時灑水一次、種子密度為150公克之條件下,在不同浸種溫度與物理壓重下,我們發現浸種溫度在46.8℃以及壓重7.4公斤下,能產生長又粗的芽菜,直徑大約2.88 mm。


綠豆芽 直徑 實驗設計法 壓重


This work uses sprouts cultivation to study sprout growth of electrochemical signals by experimental design for an optimization condition to improve the diameter of sprouts. In this work, five factors (soaking temperature, soaking time, watering frequency, weight pressure and seed density) are studied in this work by FFD and CCD methods.According to the FFD data, soaking temperature and weight pressure are the important key factors to influence the diameter of sprouts. By the CCD data, the watering frequency of six hours, seed density of 150 g, weight pressure of 7.4 Kg and soaking temperature of 46.8℃ to grow the optimal diameter size of sprouts about 2.88 mm.


Mung Bean diameter LED weight-loading


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