  • 期刊


Ju Ming in Paris: Also on the Role of Hervé Odermatt in Promoting Ju Ming's Sculpture to the International Community


過去巴黎現代藝術中心龐畢度的行政主管在出席朱銘巴黎個展開幕前的午餐聚會時曾說過,要在法國梵登廣場展出是多少法國藝術家的夢想,更遑論外國藝術家到此地展覽必須要「過五關斬六將」。由此可知,朱銘能夠在藝術之都的重要地點展出,有助於提升他在國際上的名聲與地位。在此之前,雖然朱銘香港的經紀人張頌仁已曾在英國倫敦南岸中心(Southbank Cultural Center)、約克夏雕塑公園(Yorkshire Sculpture Park),以及法國登克爾克現代美術館(Musée d'Art Contemporain de Dunkerque)等地為朱銘舉辦過個展,讓朱銘在國際舞台上踏出重要的一步,在歐洲的知名度逐漸遠播,但朱銘真正被西方藝術界「認可」,則是從經紀人歐德瑪策劃巴黎個展開始,並後續於歐洲及北美各地舉辦的展覽應是更為關鍵。本文即希望透過文獻資料的爬梳與對朱銘及這段歷史相關人士的訪談,深化這方面研究的不足。


朱銘 雕塑 歐德瑪 張頌仁 梵登廣場


A curator that worked for Paris Modern Art Center, Centre Pompidou, said that it is a dream of many French artists to exhibit their works at La Place Vendôme, not to mention that foreign artists must" overcome many hurdles" to exhibit at this place during the preopening lunch of Ju Ming's solo exhibition in Paris. Therefore, being able to exhibit at an iconic place in the art capital is instrumental in promoting Ju Ming's international reputation and status. Prior to the exhibition, Ju Ming's Hong Kong agent Johnson Chang had organized exhibitions for Ju Ming at Southbank Cultural Center and Yorkshire Sculpture Park in the UK and Musée d'Art Contemporain de Dunkerque in France, which was an important step for Ju Ming to be seen in the international stage and to be known in Europe. However, the key of Ju Ming being" recognized" by the Western art community was from his Paris solo exhibition, organized by agent Hervé Odermatt, and the following exhibitions in Europe and North America. This article aims to compensate for the lack of research in this period through literature interpretation and oral interview documentation.
