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Commonality and Differences: The Dispute between Feminism and Phenomenology




Contemporary feminists claim that the 'female body' has been resulted from constructions of social culture. They emphasize the 'differences' of the body. But the question is thus: how do we find the solidarity of 'sisterhood' from within differences? In this paper, I will argue from a phenomenological point that 'difference' and 'commonality' is not antagonistic. The critical clincher is that the natural body and the cultural body could co-exist. With the help of phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty, I will explain that the body is not a passive corporality determined by biological law and/or cultural condition, but an active site which encarnalizes its own situations. So, the inter-contextual relationship between the natural body and the cultural body will help solving the antipathy between 'the difference' and 'the commonality.'


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Jaggar, Alison M.(ed.),Young, Iris Marion(ed.)(1998).A Companion To Feminist Philosophy.Malden, Mass.:Blackwell.
Welton, Donn(ed.)(1998).Body and Flesh: A Philosophical Reader.Malden, Mass.:Blackwell Publishers.
Allen, Jeffner(ed.),Young, Iris Marion(ed.)(1989).The Thinking Muse: Feminism and Modern French Philosophy.Bloomington:Indiana University Press.
Carr, David(1974).Phenomenology and the Problem of History: A Study of Husserl's Transcendental Philosophy.Evanston:Northwestern University Press.
